Music Club

Who Are We

Student Council of Thames International College(SCOTIC) is an independent entity of the college with its own constitution and board. SCOTIC organizes a number of major events each year and serves as a liaison between the administration and the students. The Student Council at the Thames looks out for the student’s best interests and encourages them to participate in extracurricular activities. The council not only acts as a mediator but also makes recommendations to management on necessary adjustments and critical matters to be handled. The student college hosts a variety of large events, and its primary goal is to make student life at Thames memorable. Yearly, SCOTIC hosts events such as Freshers Party, Diversity Day, Grads Night, Hiking, and other activities that students look forward to during their college years, and SCOTIC organizes them in a way that all students appreciate.

Words of President

Hello Thameians,
My name is Jessika Kumari Basnet and I am the student council president for the 2021-2022 school year. I had always been interested in serving on the student council and I was given the chance this year. Not only have I become more involved, but I have also become more familiar with the students. I want to contribute my honest efforts and value to the council since all my priorities, concerns, and best interests are geared towards the council. Having joined the council at the very beginning of 2019, I have gained much professional and personal growth from each and every member, and I thank my colleagues for making the council an enjoyable and positive place to be.

Now what exactly is the student council? In simple terms, the Student Council is made up of elected and volunteer students, who are selected by the students and work for the benefits of the students. In some instances, the Student Council is mistaken for the head of the students who remain seated and instruct others on what to do and not to do. Nevertheless, we are here to show support and offer companionship to students and nothing more. A group of students who aim to help and serve the student body in terms of organizing activities and offering volunteer opportunities reveals the true identity of the Student Council.

I look forward to seeing the plans the student council has for the upcoming school year; we are all aware that it will be a bit different than what we are used to at Thames due to the current circumstances, but rest assured that the student council members are hard at work to make this year a success.

Events organized by Music Club
