15th Commencement Ceremony

15th Commencement Ceremony

A momentous occasion to reflect on, the Commencement Ceremony is where students officially transition into graduates, embarking on their new personal and professional journeys. Organized by the Office of Student Affairs, this event marks the crowning achievement of every Thamian’s academic pursuit.

Proud parents, teachers, and everyone involved come together to celebrate this significant milestone and share in the joy of the graduates’ success. The atmosphere is filled with pride, accomplishment, and hope for the future.

Thames takes immense pride in honoring its graduates, recognizing their dedication and hard work while celebrating their journey of growth and achievement.

Thames Outstanding Graduate Award Recipients

  • Mohit Rauniyar
  • Sagar Pokhrel

Recipients of Thames Leadership Award

  • Nirjala Prajapati
  • Prastuti Bhattarai
  • Rewati Karki
  • Roshani Tripathi
  • Sneha Dahal
  • Swastika Dangol
  • Yomika Shrestha

Student Speakers

  • SoSS - Yomika Shrestha
  • SoBM - Prastuti Bhattarai
  • SoIT - Awish Shrestha