How to Check NEB Results 2080 for Class 12 in Nepal: A Simple Guide (2023)


The NEB results 2080 for Class 12 in Nepal carry significant importance for students as they mark a crucial milestone in their academic journey. Checking these results online has made the process convenient and efficient. In this blog, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to check your NEB results 2080 for Class 12 in Nepal online for the year 2023.

Step 1: Visit the Official Website

To begin, open your web browser and go to the official website of the National Examination Board (NEB) Nepal. Access the website by visiting The NEB is responsible for conducting the Class 12 examinations and publishing the NEB results 2080.

Step 2: Find the Result Section

Once you're on the NEB's official website, locate the section dedicated to "Results" or "Result Published." This section is typically easy to find on the homepage or within the main navigation menu. Click on it to proceed.

Step 3: Choose the Year and Examination

Type On the result page, you will need to select the year and examination type. Since you're checking your NEB results 2080 for Class 12 in Nepal for the year 2023, choose the corresponding year and examination from the provided options. This ensures you access the accurate result information.

Step 4: Enter Your Symbol Number

After selecting the year and examination type, the website will prompt you to enter your symbol number. Your symbol number is a unique identification number assigned to you by the examination board. Make sure to enter the correct symbol number to obtain your NEB results 2080.

Step 5: Submit and View Results

Once you've entered your symbol number, click on the "Submit" or "View Result" button. The website will process your request and display your NEB results 2080 for Class 12. Please be patient as it may take a few seconds for the system to generate the results.

Step 6: Review Your Results

When the NEB results 2080 appear, carefully review your subject-wise marks, overall percentage, and any additional relevant information provided. This will give you a comprehensive understanding of your performance in the Class 12 examination.

Step 7: Save or Print

Your Result To retain a record of your NEB results 2080, you can either print the result page or take a screenshot. If available, you may also download the result or save it as a PDF file. Having a digital or physical copy will ensure you can access your results whenever required.


Checking your NEB results 2080 for Class 12 in Nepal online has become a straightforward process, thanks to the official website of the National Examination Board. By following the step-by-step guide above for the year 2023, you can quickly and easily access your results. Visit the official website at and ensure you enter your symbol number accurately to obtain reliable and up-to-date NEB results 2080. Best of luck as you await your Class 12 results and embark on the next phase of your academic journey.

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