Book Talk with Ari Satok

On 14th of May in 2018, a compelling tale unfolded at Thames International College's David J Rusk Library. Gathered in rapt anticipation, hearts, and minds were captivated by the eloquent words of Ari Satok. With a touch of magic, Ari wove the essence of his book, "The Architects of Hope," painting vivid portraits of young souls from distant corners of the world. Their stories, like celestial constellations, guided the audience on a transformative journey, igniting hope and inspiring change.

At that moment, within the hallowed walls of Thames, the power of storytelling became a beacon, guiding hearts towards unity and embracing the beautiful mosaic of diversity. Ari's words resonated in the minds of all present, reminding them that within each tale, lay the power to shape a brighter future. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, leaving behind a trail of golden hues, Ari Satok's words lingered in the hearts of those fortunate enough to have witnessed the magic of stories that day.